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Accountant °æ·ÂÁ÷ ä¿ë
2014-09-12 | 3ÆÀ |
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´ã´ç¾÷¹« | Accountant |
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¾÷¹«»çÇ× | Accounting & Tax - Journalize daily transactions - Manage selling & administration expenses - Management of sub-accounts - A/R & A/P (Domestic & Intercompany transactions) - Documentation & Binding - Preparation of voucher with evidences - Tax return preparation - VAT return/ Corporate Tax - System management - Electronic Approval System (incl. back-ups) - Local & HQ reporting Expense Controlling - Monthly Providing ACT vs BUD data to each related departments - Analyzing & controlling deviation of ACT vs BUD - Making monthly expense report External/Internal Audit Preparation - Interim / Annual auditing by external auditors - Documentation by the request of the Internal audit Tangible & Intangible asset management - System update for addition & disposal - Calculation of monthly & yearly depreciation cost Expense Invoicing - Quarterly Clinical Research Expense Reimbursement Invoicing to HQ - Monthly Clinical Trial Expense Reimbursement Invoicing to HQ - Other Expense Reimbursement Invoicing to HQ |
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ÀÌ¿µ¹Î Â÷Àå 02-553-1779 kubota@leenpartner.com |